Why Don Cheadle Is Fine Not Knowing What Happens In Infinity War

Why Don Cheadle Is Fine Not Knowing What Happens In Infinity WarA lot of precautions are taken on the set of big movies to make sure things don't leak too early. However, frequently this means the actors aren't even given the whole story of the movie they're in to be sure they don't accidentally talk....

A New Star Wars Episode IX Rumor Is Pointing Toward More Chewbacca

A New Star Wars Episode IX Rumor Is Pointing Toward More ChewbaccaThe Star Wars franchise is currently in the midst of its third trilogy, with the space opera spanning decades of fans and blockbusters. And while each trilogy explores different timelines in the overall franchise's narrative, there is...

James Wan Just Shot Down Those Mortal Kombat Rumors

James Wan Just Shot Down Those Mortal Kombat RumorsWhile the movie industry is overflowing with massive franchises, there's one genre that never seems to hit the mark: video game movies. Gaming characters and storylines have enthralled audiences for years, and seem to lend themselves well to exciting...