Harry Potters J.K. Rowling Is Worried She Might Die Before She Finishes All Her Projects
J.K. Rowling may have already graced the world with the iconic Harry Potter book series, but she hasn't stopped there and isn't planning on stopping anytime soon. She's been hard at work bringing her characters to Broadway, penning the new Fantastic Beast franchise and has additional book series on the way. Calling her a literary phenomenon might be an understatement, especially with her recent comments on her next projects. Here's what she said:
I know about the next four things I'm writing; it's all backed up in there. I'm scared I'll die before I get it all out.
Readers from around the world are still revisiting the Harry Potter series years later, and the books won't be forgotten anytime soon as a beloved classic children's fantasy series. Anything else we get from J.K. Rowling feels like a bonus after the unique treasure of the Wizarding orld she gifted from her head. Based on her comments on the Today Show, it looks like she's going to continue making her fans smile with her words, maybe for her whole life!
After the success of the Harry Potter film series, J.K. Rowling has been deeply involved as script writer for the Fantastic Beasts franchise, with the second installment, Crimes of Grindelwald, coming out in two months and Fantastic Beasts 3 set to be released two years from now. The new series focuses on a time long before the Boy Who Lived was a concept and when Dumbledore was a younger man who had to face off against his own powerful nemesis. The franchise is expected to span across five films, each written by J.K. Rowling herself. As far as the Wizarding World is concerned, Rowling also helped bring her beloved character to the stage in 2016, with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which made its debut in New York earlier this year.
Outside of J.K. Rowling's familiar world, the author has also become a crime novelist under the name of Robert Galbraith, which she continues to write under. She will also be returning to writing for children, with a non-Harry Potter/Wizarding World story in the works that she said has been in her head for six years and is finally putting to paper. It's exciting to see the talented author tackle completely different content and possibly create some Potter-esque magic in a new and refreshing way. By returning to her roots of children's books, it could pave the way for another iconic franchise that could be adapted to film, especially considering the author's fame.
While it seems we can look forward to a lifetime of storytelling from the Harry Potter author, Crimes of Grindelwald is next up, as J.K. Rowling explores the earlier life of her character Dumbledore and the lore of an earlier time in the Wizarding World, when it comes out on November 16.
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