One MCU Hero Is Really Teasing Their Death In Avengers: Infinity War


One MCU Hero Is Really Teasing Their Death In Avengers: Infinity War

We are about two weeks away from Avengers: Infinity War and if you have a death pool going as to which Avengers will die, it's time to make your final calculations. With contracts ending, the size of the threat and the scale of this movie, it is almost certain that we will lose at least one of Earth's mightiest heroes. The only question is which one... or ones. Everyone involved has been playing up the losses this war will cause and the trailers have teased several heroes in quite dire circumstances. Now another of the MCU's heroes is really teasing his death. Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch had this to say about his character's possible demise:

It'll be interesting. You have to wait and see. There's lots of threats coming his way. He holds the Time Stone around his neck for a part of this film and we know someone's coming to get them for a big glove.

Benedict Cumberbatch makes a compelling case for the peril Doctor Strange will find himself in so if you're betting on who will die, he might be a strong dark horse candidate. As the popular actor mentioned to MTV Movies, Doctor Strange holds the Time Stone around his neck in the Eye of Agamotto. Along with Vision, that makes him one of two Avengers that Thanos should be directly going after. Cap and Iron Man may be taking the fight directly to the Mad Titan, but there is a case to be made that those who are most in danger are the ones who have what Thanos wants. We've seen a lot of Avengers in serious danger in the trailers for Infinity War, but none look like they are having a worse time than Steven Strange, who is being tortured by Black Order member Ebony Maw.

Doctor Strange might seem like a surprising character to bite the dust, after all, he just made his MCU debut in his 2016 solo film. Surely he has at least another solo outing before he leaves the mortal plane. At the end of Doctor Strange audiences got that reassuring reminder that "Doctor Strange will return," but as Benedict Cumberbatch mentions, he already has:

You've seen him in Thor: Ragnarok and you know he's in this one. That doesn't mean you'll see any more of him, so you'll have to wait and see

Well, if Benedict Cumberbatch's PR objective was to make people doubt his character's longevity, he is doing an excellent job at it. I'd say Doctor Strange currently falls into that middle category of "could go either way." The Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel is the first movie out of the gate and one of the only titles announced in Phase 4 so Peter Parker is safe and Black Panther isn't going anywhere for a long, long time. The smart money is currently on Cap biting the dust with Iron Man as a close second. These are both mantles that other characters can assume and contracts are up.

Benedict Cumberbatch is a very in demand actor but I'd like to see Doctor Strange make it out of this movie. The first film wasn't the best the MCU has to offer and I'd like the Sorcerer Supreme to get another outing, as the magical world still deserves more fleshing out. We don't have long to wait to find out who lives and who dies. Avengers: Infinity War arrives in theaters on April 27th. For all the latest about the Marvel Cinematic Universe and all your movie news, keep it locked to CinemaBlend.

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