The Fans Have Now Seen Avengers: Infinity War, Heres What They Think
Avengers: Infinity War is finally here for the general public to see. We've known for a few days what the critics thought of the movie, but what do those early audiences have to say? This is what the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been building toward for a decade. Expectations are incredibly high. Luckily, it appears that, for the most part, Marvel has been able to clear the bar the studio has set for itself. The vast majority of social media responses from those that saw the film last night have been over the moon. Many, like this one, were just in awe that the massive crossover event even happened.
However, the fascination with the new movie didn't end simply be witnessing it. Social media is full of people who seem to be legitimately shaken by the movie. It's a pretty epic story and man seem to feel like they're different people after watching Infinity War than they were when the movie started.
Of course, that not to say that literally everybody got what they hoped for with Avengers: Infinity War. There are those who felt the movie did not live up to the hype. Some don't necessarily feel the movie was bad, but certainly, aren't singing its praises.
And then, there are the people that just flat out didn't like it. While these fan responses are certainly fewer and further between, there are those who simply thought Avengers: Infinity War was bad. In a movie which, admittedly, uses a lot of CGI and is somewhat action heavy, if you don't like those things, the movie is going to be a struggle.
Overall, the fan response to Avengers: Infinity War has been overwhelmingly positive, implying that Marvel has another huge hit on their hands. Coming off the insane success of Black Panther Marvel could end up with two of the biggest movies of the year before that year is even halfway done.
Twenty minutes into #AvengersInfinityWar, I leaned in and whispered to my wife “HOLY SHIT I’M REALLY WATCHING A COMIC BOOK CROSSOVER EVENT AS A MOVIE!!!†Then, I spent the rest of the movie with my mouth open.
— Caleb Dume (@pfunk1130) April 27, 2018
I have seen #AvengersInfinityWar and I am changed. That was the best movie ever. Wow.
— Erika Harlacher (@ErikaHarlacher) April 27, 2018
#AvengersInfinityWar was OK/10. Not amazing, not terrible. Better than Age of Ultron, but that’s a low bar. Roughly as good as Spider-Man Homecoming or Doctor Strange. Annoying humor.
— Taclys (@Taclys) April 27, 2018
#InfinityWar is a terrible mess of a movie. It’s cheesy simple dialogue with overhyped action scenes of bad CGI and slow pacing climaxing in a Phantom Menace style battle and a wasted ending...2/10
— Tom Smith (@tommsmith1993) April 26, 2018
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